IBM UrbanCode Introduction

The UrbanCode Deploy application is doing away with manual deployments, giving the ability to automate deployments to hundreds of servers in multiple environments, and is changing the deployment paradigm. Software is now being pulled through the development pipeline with the click of a button instead of pushing it through. Some of the features that UrbanCode Deploy brings to the table include:

A snapshot is a group of components such as business logic, databases, and configurations. Each component maintains an independent version. Being able to select each version gives a greater level of control over the deployment. If the latest version of a component has a defect another version can be selected.

Automated Processes
Processes are at the component and application level. A process is a group of steps. A component can include a database, a server, an application, and static files in any combination. Each component is individually managed. A database could have specific steps defined to update tables or have them rolled back during a failed deployment. An application can have multiple environments defined such as development, testing, and production. A snapshot gets deployed to these environments. The processes that are defined in each component that are in the snapshot are run over and over when deploying. No more manual steps.

One Click Deployments
An application can now be deployed to any environment with the single click of a button. Once an environment is defined components are deployed to them. That’s not to say that a checks and balances system is missing. There is a security model in place that allows teams and managers to approve components before deployments.

Scheduled Deployments
Deployments can also be scheduled. Schedule a deployment once a day for the development team, once a week for the test team, and once a month to deliver the latest updates into production.

Failed Deployments
If a process fails and a component isn’t deployed a rollback feature is already built into the application. No more being stranded when deployments go wrong. If a failure happens there is a process already in place to undo the changes made by reverting back to a known working snapshot.

The tool comes with about a hundred plugins for some of very well-known industry standard tools. If your tools aren’t supported or you have a home-brewed tool you can write a plugin to make UrbanCode Deploy work with your tools.

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